3. Physiology
        3.13. Respiratory
3.13.4. Regulation of respiration

Respiratory rate

Factors which INCREASE respiratory rate

  1. Hypoxemia
    * via: peripheral
  2. Hypercapnoea
    * via: (mainly) central, peripheral
  3. Acidosis
    * via: peripheral
  4. Hyperthermia
    * via: peripheral, skin
  5. Severe hypotension 
    * via: peripheral, arterial baroreceptor
  6. Exercise 
    * via: joint/muscle receptor
  7. Some chemicals and irritants
    * e.g. nicotine
    * via: peripheral chemoreceptors
  8. Others
    * Pain
    * Emotion (e.g. anxiety)
    --> ????due to cortex and/or sympathetic nervous system stimulation


Other factors that affect RR but not part of control mechanism

Voluntary control (to limited extent)

Increased elastic recoil AND/OR lower airway resistance


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