4.2. Measurements
            4.2.4. Manometers
       Blood pressure measurement Fourier analysis

Fourier analysis

[Ref: KB Primary course May 2005]

Principles of Fourier analysis

  1. Any periodically recurring waveform, no matter how complicated, can always be analysed mathematically as being the sum of a series of simple sine waves
  2. Each complex waveforms consists of a Fundamental Frequency (or first harmonic) and a series of related sine waves called Harmonics
  3. The frequency of all the harmonics is always a whole number multiple of the fundamental frequency
    * e.g. 5th Harmonic has frequency 5 times that of the Fundamental Frequency
  4. All harmonics are related to the fundamental frequency in frequency, amplitude, and phase relationship

The first 10 harmonics contribute to 99% of the waveform.

Keywords:  Fourier analysis ; Harmonics

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