3. Physiology
        3.10. Muscle
3.10.1. Muscle structure

Muscle structure

Each muscle fibre is a single multinucleated cell, covered in cell membrane (sarcolemma)

No syncytial bridges between cells.



Contractile proteins

--> Filaments

--> Myofibrils

--> Muscle fibres

Thick filaments

Myosin (myosin II)

Thin filaments

Actin (with tropomyosin and troponin)


M line - where thick filaments (myosin molecules) are held in proper array

Z line - where thin filaments are connected

A band - length of the thick filaments

I band - length of part of thin filaments that is not overlapped by thick filaments

H band - length of part of thick filaments that is not overlapped by thin filaments

Psedo-H zone - M line plus the small narrow light area on either side of it


Sarcotubular system

Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)

Transverse tubule system



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