3. Physiology
        3.2. Cardiovascular
            3.2.5. Special circulations Foetal circulation

Foetal circulation

[Ref: BL8:p264-268; WG21:p631-632]

From umbilical vein to liver

About half of oxygenated umbilical venous blood goes through liver

The other half bypass liver
* Goes into IVC via ductus venosus
* Joins the venous blood from lower limbs
* Then hepatic vein blood join IVC

From liver to ventricles

The streams of blood stay mostly separate in IVC

Blood with mostly umbilical venous blood
--> Passes through the right atrium
(then shunted through foramen ovale)
--> Enters left atrium, then left ventricle

Rest of the IVC blood joins the SVC blood
--> Passes through the right atrium
--> Enters the right ventricle

From the ventricles to aorta

Because of the large pulmonary resistance

LV output goes into ascending aorta


Oxygen supply


Umbilical vein

Superior vena cava

Inferior vena cava (IVC)

Right ventricle

Ductus arteriosus

Ascending aorta

Descending aorta

Umbilical arteries


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