3. Physiology
        3.12. Renal
            3.12.7. Control of sodium and water excretion Pressure natriuresis and diuresis

Pressure natriuresis and diuresis

[Ref: AV6:p108]

When renal artery BP INCREASE

--> Reduced number of Na-H antiporter and reduced Na-K ATPase activity in proximal tubule

--> Reduction in sodium resorption in proximal tubule

--> Reduction in water resorption in proximal tubule


--> ECF volume decreased

--> Inital BP rise diminished

Other factors



Volume status

The degree of pressure natriuresis and diuresis is dependent on volume status

When ECF volume is high

Increase in renal artery pressure

--> Large pressure natriuresis and diuresis

When ECF volume is low

Increase in renal artery pressure

--> Small pressure natriuresis and diuresis

Angiotensin II and sympathetic activity

When BP increase, both angiotensin II and sympathetic activities decrease.

If these two were kept constant,
--> Pressure natriuresis and diuresis response blunted




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