3. Physiology
        3.12. Renal
            3.12.7. Control of sodium and water excretion
       Control of Sodium balance Aldosterone


[Ref: WG21:Chp20; AV6:p116-118]




Produced in zona glomerulosa

Zona glomerulosa lacks 17alpha-hydroxylase activity, but is the only zone that contains aldosterone synthase.

Steps of production



Cholesterol converted to Pregnenolone

--> Progesterone

--> 11-Deoxycorticosterone

--> Corticosterone

--> 18-Hydroxycorticosterone

--> Aldosterone



Bound to protein slightly

Halftime is short: about 20 minutes


Most converted to tetrahydroglucuronide derivative in liver

Some converted to 18-glucuronide in liver and kidney
* Reverts back to free aldosterone at pH 1
* i.e. acid-labile conjugate

Less than 1% excreted in urine in free form.

Mineralocorticoid receptors


11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2

Mineralocorticoid receptors actually have higher affinity for glucocorticoids than glucocorticoid receptors do
* i.e. glucocorticoids bind to mineralocorticoid receptor better than to glucocorticoid receptors


In kidney and other mineralocorticoid-sensitive tissues, enzyme (11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2) is present that converts cortisol and corticosterone into steroid forms that do not bind to the mineralocorticoid receptors.

If this enzyme is absent or inhibited (e.g. by prolonged ingestion of licorice)
--> Cortisol has marked mineralocorticoid effect
--> Apparent mineralocorticoid excess syndrome

Apparent mineralocorticoid syndrome




Main Action:
* Sodium resorption

Other actions:
* Increase urinary K+ loss
* Increase urinary H+ loss


Sodium resorption

Mechanism of action


Cross freely into principle cells

--> Combine with mineralocorticoid receptors in the cytoplasm

--> Receptor acts as transcription factor

--> synthesis of specific mRNA and protein

--> Increase activity/number of apical sodium channel and basolateral Na-K ATPase pump


Significance of sodium retention effect


Complete absence of aldosterone
--> 2% of filtered sodium would be excreted

Maximal aldosterone level
--> Almost no sodium excreted

Adrenal insufficiency


Loss of mineralocorticosteroid leads to

Effect of excess mineralocorticoid



Factors affecting aldosterone secretion


3 primary factors stimulating aldosterone release

Effect of ACTH
Role of angiotensin II

Angiotensin II binds to AT1 receptors in the zona glomerulosa

--> Act via G protein

--> Activating phospholipase C

--> In increased protein kinase C



Effect of K+

Need to increase only by 1meq/L to stimulate aldosterone secretion

Acts by depolarising the cells

--> Opening up voltage-gated Ca2+ channels

--> Increase intracellular Ca2+

Increases sensitivity of zona glomerulosa to angiotensin II

Factors stimulating secretion of both aldosterone and glucocorticoids

Factors stimulating aldosterone secretion without effect on glucocorticoids


Aldosterone release is increased in standing position because

ANP inhibiting aldosterone release



Interaction with ANP

In mineralocorticoid excess,

Once ECF expansion passes a certain point

--> Na+ excretion is increased in spite of actions of excess mineralocorticoids

--> Escape phenomenon

Probably due to increased secretion of ANP


[KB-acidbase:7.2] Primary hyperaldosteronism often cause metabolic alkalosis with increase ECF, hypokalaemia and hypochloraemia.

Other steroids affecting Na+ excretion


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